Clinical condition insights.

The clinical condition insights programme is a focused, succinct programme which aims to pull together information, learning and shared challenges around the management of one clinical condition.

It will explore the UK’s approach to managing conditions, the care pathways we adapt and the principles we apply when trying to deliver a holistic model of quality care. We champion reciprocal learning and see the programme, not only as a way to impart information but also as an opportunity to learn from our partners directly, and collaboratively explore innovation in the broader global community.

In practice…

The programme is delivered over 3-5 days which will include a blend of classroom sessions and visits to healthcare institutions.

We will collaborate to agree on learning objectives but an example programme would aim to touch on key areas such as

  • Current best practice principles and how they compare globally.

  • Educational and clinical updates on the subject area.

  • Care pathways and care pathway reform.

  • Innovation, to include how digital is aiding efficiencies.

  • Using population health and data to map resources and expertise.

  • Interprofessional working and an integrated care approach.

  • Visits to relevant healthcare institutions and speakers.


An Intro to the NHS & UK primary care.


Student induction.